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"I don't feel in control of my own life and I hate it."

And yet, I’m almost afraid to start prepping. If I start, it feels real. And I hate that this is happening in my lifetime.


Sound familiar?

"I keep seeing ads for crypto, cold wallets & survival kits but it’s all so over whelming. I don’t know a scam from a legit deal & I pray someone I trust would help me out

"I browse survival websites, watch Instagram stories of people who seem to be prepared and doing okay during these weird ass times...but me? I’m just trying to get through this next news article without losing my shit or letting my kids see how concerned I am.”

“The news is straight up fear porn one moment followed by our PM assuring us that inflation will go down and mortgage rates will go back to normal the next moment, but my inner voice is screaming at me to trust no one. I'm dying to connect with people who get it.”

“The two words that are perpetually swirling around in my mind are lost & overwhelmed. I’m beyond exhausted because for the last two years when my head hits the pillow my brain doesn’t stop. I want to be prepared but my plate is already overflowing."

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The news cycle has us perpetually on edge.

That's the game they play. By keeping us in a perpetual state of fear, we remain in fight or flight mode. Our nervous systems are shot as we worry about what doomsday news might be thrown our way next. When we're like this, they have the ultimate control.

Money is tight and every hour in the day is full. 

And that's probably not going to change any time soon. But re-allotting how you spend your time and money is key to all of this. It's not rocket science - but it's a necessary and noticeable shift.

Not sleeping well and living in a constant state of worry.

Feeling this way is probably the worst part. Laying awake at night knowing you need to be doing so many things to prepare your home and your family for what's to come, but you're paralyzed.


That the path to feeling in control during these uncertain times isn’t to avoid the news, to ignore our concerns or to argue with family about what we think is really going on…

The path to feeling in control is basically the opposite of all of that. It’s taking one small step every single day toward understanding what’s actually happening both around us and within ourselves. We’re going to need to look within to figure out what we want to believe (we get to choose what we believe - what a concept eh!), admit we’re wrong about a lot of things, and do some actual physical work to get ourselves prepared for whatever comes our way.

It took some inner work, a lot of self reflection, and admitting that I was wrong about a lot of things, followed by becoming physically capable to show up the way I knew I needed to. And I can promise you - I will help you to come out the other side too!

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Spring and summer of 2020 was a ride.

I was waking up and was sharing what I was learning. Most of my friends told me I was overreacting or 'reaching' and called me crazy for expressing my views on what was playing out in front of our eyes.

It was all so confusing. A complete and total mind fuck. 

Here I was, finally feeling like I was seeing things so clearly. And I had to make sure that the most important people in my life understood what was happening so that they were aware and could make different choices too. I was certain that what I was witnessing and what I was recognizing was obvious. And that people just had to be given the opportunity and the support to feel comfortable sharing and speaking publicly.   

Boy was I wrong. And I honestly wasn't expecting the level of ridicule and harassment that I got.

But here I am. Still alive to tell the tale.

Thankfully I had a killer group of mama friends who had all left toxic relationships and were realizing the parallels of those partners and our government. We were piecing things together - the same abuse tactics, the same coercive and manipulative language - it took over every headline and every newscast. 

Once we put it together there was no going back.

That 'ah-ha' moment for me was the absolute knowing that our government couldn't care less about us. It's all I needed to kick my butt into gear...

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The mindfucking realization...

The government is corrupt AF and doesn't care about me at all. Coooool. So let me figure out how to be as sovereign and self reliant as possible. Because when we don't need them - they can't control us. *BOOM*

I will never pretend to have all the answers. But I am committed AF to finding them if I don't know them for myself and for you.


If not now, then when?

How long are you willing to feel overwhelmed and underprepared?
If the majority of your thoughts weren’t consumed with “wtf” and “how the f*ck” what would your day-to-day look like?

You’d move through the world freely and without worry because you’ll KNOW in your bones that you’re ready for whatever is thrown at you.

Get mentally, physically and emotionally prepared without.....

Wasted time, wasted money, wasted energy, etc. trying to navigate and figure it all out on your own. Jump into the journey alongside other amazing members of The Missing Link who were once in your shoes. We've all been there. But staying stuck where you are is draining. And there's a solution.


The Missing Link Community

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What people are saying:

  • “I love that there’s no bullshit. No fluff. And, most importantly, no more overwhelm.” - Amy, married mom of 2

  • “These conversations are exactly what I've been missing for the last 2.5 years.” - Sheri, single mom of 3

  • “I can do all of these things - even if some are outside of my comfort zone. Cold wallets? Buying precious metals? These things were never even on my radar, but I get to learn new information and skills that I now have forever.” - Jenn, married mom of 2 fur babies


This is the time. This is YOUR time.

We have never lived in a time like this, and going it alone makes it infinitely more challenging. Finding community and a safe space where you can take refuge from the chaos is crucial in maintaining your sanity and peace of mind. I want nothing more than to see you, over the next few months, become so damn sovereign and ready to take on the next shit show. And I will hold your hand as much as necessary to get you there.


Your mental, physical, and emotional preparedness matters to me & you shouldn’t have to stress yourself out even further to feel safe in 2023. Or ever!

The Missing Link includes everything you need to feel prepared AF. And with a community of everyday people who refuse to live life doing as they’re told, you’ll feel supported as you prep too.


LIVE hot seat coaching + Q&A sessions with Kate every week

To help you navigate the heavy stuff mentally, physically, emotionally. And answer questions about literally anything!


Live Interviews & Q&A's with our experts

If you can't make it live, the calls are recorded and uploaded into your portal within 24 hours so you can watch them back any time.


Private Community Space (inside Kajabi)

This is where the action happens! Think social platform - with lives, threads, comments etc) but without the censorship! Connect with one another. Share. There is amazing support inside the community. 


Reality Review with Kate & Karla

A real time breakdown of what’s going on in clown world. What to do with the information, what actually matters, how to shift and get through it.

This isn’t for everyone.

The Missing link is for the person who is sick and tired of being overwhelmed & stressed about the state of the world. It’s for the human who wants to feel well rested, confident, & ready for anything the world throws at you. 



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What You'll Get:

  • Weekly live coaching with Kate for when it all just becomes too much to handle alone
  • Private Community that’s excited to chat with you about your unique perspective on the world's events
  • Live Q&As with industry leading experts in the world of finance, sustainability,  so you’ll know you’re making the right decision for you (+ replay’s if you can’t join live!!) 
  • Reality Review, every Friday, with Karla Joy Treadway


  • New resources each month to help you cut the overwhelm & get prepared
  • GTFO bag, Must Have Grab & Go Documents
  • Monthly checklists, life hacks / easy tips to implement, to-do's, printables, e-books / e-guides 

If not now, then when? It's a serious question - when?

 You can wait. But at a certain point, it's going to be too late...

The world is on fire. You know it, I know it, and a lot of the world knows it but they're hellbent on sitting in denial because their ego is too big to admit that they might have been wrong.

But while they're stuck in their own head trying to sort all that out, you'll be here - with The Missing Link members - prepping for you and your family. Imagine where you'll be in a few months if you start today.


What the FAQ

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If you're following our guidance, checklists and advice of our experts and don't feel like you're any further ahead - send an email to [email protected] and we'll take care of you.

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